Control Cameras | Wolke by Videojet, Videojet Technologies GmbH

Quality control cameras love Wolke's sharp product markings

Quality control cameras love Wolke's sharp product markings

Quality is good, control is better – above all if production defects need to be minimized right from the start or legal requirements have to be met.

So, many users of product marking systems expect their equipment to feature cameras so that the print image can be checked.

Wolke Printing Systems Optimize the Use of Cameras and Production Speed
By collaborating with renowned camera manufacturers, Wolke is able to offer you marking systems which allow the production and packaging process to run at a constant high speed. The Wolke m600 units print your product information so crystal clearly that quality control camera systems can scan the codes with ease even at high speeds.

How you benefit from the combined use of Wolke printing systems and quality control cameras:

  • Improved product quality
  • Mix-up checks avoid costly recalls
  • Packaging quality is monitored continuously
  • Legal compliance is achieved
  • Failures are detected quickly
  • Double-check principle on entry of set value

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